Wedding Destinations
Selected venues
At HJC, we meticulously select wedding venues across Japan to ensure your special day is truly exceptional. Our process begins with a thorough understanding of your vision, style, and preferences. We then embark on an extensive search, evaluating each location for its unique charm, cultural significance, and natural beauty. From the historic temples of Kyoto to the serene gardens of Shizuoka and the scenic coastlines of Shimanami, we handpick venues that offer a perfect blend of tradition and modern elegance.
Traditional events
We prioritize venues that provide a seamless blend of aesthetic appeal and practical amenities. Each location is vetted for its ambiance, accessibility, and suitability for various wedding sizes and styles. Our team visits each site, ensuring it meets our high standards for quality and service. By working closely with venue managers, we secure exclusive access and personalized arrangements, guaranteeing that every detail of your wedding is handled with care and precision. With HJC, you can be confident that your wedding venue will be as unique and memorable as your love story.
Our Wedding Destinations
“AOI Suites at Nanzenji”
“Gyokuro No Sato”
“Shimanami Kaido”